Dances with anchors
Illustrator's appearance panel is really powerful. It can make a path into something completely different. Everything you create there can be reversed, but can also be saved as a graphic style and can then be applied elsewhere.
The appearance panel is also a giant playground. Put one anchor point on the artboard and then see how far you can get with that. Why would you want to do this? Because you can.
The appearance panel is also a giant playground. Put one anchor point on the artboard and then see how far you can get with that. Why would you want to do this? Because you can.
Illustrators Aussehen-Palette ist unwahrscheinlich mächtig. Sie kann einen Pfad in etwas ganz anderes verwandeln. Alles, was man damit macht, kann rückabgewickelt werden, aber auch als Grafikstil gespeichert und dann ganz woanders verwendet werden.
Die Aussehen-Palette ist aber auch ein großer Spielplatz. Setze einen Ankerpunkt auf die Zeichenfläche und dann probiere mal, wohin Du damit kommst. Warum macht man das? Weil es geht.

1 anchor point becomes a flower ...

... or the Corona-Virus

... or a snowman
Santa Claus made from one anchor point:

You can apply the graphic style to a line and then move one anchor point around:

Just another flower

The Milky Way made from one anchor point.

A jar of nutella made from a text object.

Basic shapes work well with this. A tutorial of how to create this example is embedded at the end of this page.

A cassette tape made out of a text object.

King Kong made from the letter U. This is still live text. No brushes for the fur.

One anchor point becomes Donald Trump.

This base object is a circle. Would also work with one anchor point.

You can create different donut designs from one anchor point.

This base object is a star.

This one nearly makes sense. The base object is a text.

One anchor point becomes a sparkler.
It's even possible to have sparkles in the design:
It's even possible to have sparkles in the design:

The penguin also is just one anchor point.

Just one anchor for the cake (but it has three 3D effects).
Das Prinzip habe ich in diesem Video demonstriert.
An insight in English language can be found on the Astute Graphics weblog
An insight in English language can be found on the Astute Graphics weblog
This is a tutorial of how to create the biohazard sign. It uses effects and knockout groups: