»The Tides« Exhibit
This series of animations show typical North Sea life – animals hunting for food, vegetation changing. The animations are embedded into a video and light installation that demonstrates the tides. All illustrations are vector based in order to stylistically match another exhibit – »Birds by the Sea«.
Some short impressions from the final movie. There are more surprises left to be discovered in the museum.
Sketches that set the scenes and color:

Final vector illustrations: all the scenes depict different states during the tides. A short text adds further explanation. Visitors trigger the video together with a light show by the press of a button.

Each scene has a rather long duration, since there is a lot to see besides what's happening on screen. Motion is slow, there is repetition in it, such as waves flowing and animals stepping.
Examples of animal motion – all the animals move and show some typical behaviour that is explained by accompanying text.
Client: Wattenhus Bensersiel
Concept: Carsten Rollgeiser, Monika Gause

Please check out »Birds by the Sea«